Frequently Asked Questions about cemic

What is the difference between cemic and polished concrete

Cemic may be similar in appearance to polished concrete, but in mechanical properties, execution method, execution time, etc., there are fundamental differences with polished concrete. Semicolons can also be used for walls and ceilings

Is cemic applicable on any surface

Yes, due to its high adhesion, cemic can be applied on stone, ceramics, mosaics, wood, glass, etc

Can cemic be used in reconstructions

Yes, due to the basic characteristics of semiconductor and high adhesion to different surfaces, low thickness, no need to destroy the substrate, high execution speed, etc., is an ideal product for reconstruction

How to clean the cemic

Micro-cement cleaning is very simple, this is done with the help of water and detergent with a neutral pH (do not use abrasive or corrosive products, the best detergent is a combination of shampoo and toilet liquid) and the number of cleaning times depends on the consumption

Can cemic be used in humid environments such as bathrooms and toilets

Yes, cemic with Grade Profile is a product designed for humid environments that can be used to cover floors, walls and ceilings of bathrooms and toilets


Can cemic concrete coatings be used outdoors

Yes, cemic with round grade is a product designed for use in outdoor spaces and can be used to cover a variety of exterior walls and floors

How long does it take to use cemic micro-cement

Although the process of using semicircular micro-cement is complicated due to the number of layers created, a trained specialist can prepare up to 50 square meters per working day

Can cemic micro-cement be applied to tiles

It is possible to use cemic micro-cement on the tile, which facilitates the reconstruction of the bathroom, kitchen, etc. The main advantage of micro-cement is the prevention of contamination, noise and dust compared to other materials. The adhesion of the micro-cement to the tiles is excellent, so all the seams are completely covered. But if there is a hole, these tiles must be removed and the substrate leveled before applying the cement

What is the strength and hardness of cemic micro-cement

One of the unique features of cemic micro-cement is its high strength and hardness compared to other decorative coatings, which can be easily used in high-traffic areas. Many factors can affect the strength and hardness of this coating, including: the bed on which the semicolon is applied, the type of micro-cement selected and so on

Does the semicolon change over time

No, our pigments are stable and will not be exposed to sunlight over time. The pigments used to make cemic are of mineral origin, which have the best performance in the face of alkalinity of cement. Organic pigments (carbon-containing molecules) are less stable and, when weathered, eventually convert to other compounds without pigment properties or are transported to the surface, but mineral pigments generally retain stability in mortars and concretes